November Topic of the Month - Household Inventory
With all the natural disasters happening in today’s world – its so important to keep a detailed inventory of your possessions.
Creating an inventory takes some time and effort to create on the front side of things; but can speed up the process if you ever need to file a claim. Don’t wait until it’s too late!
Take pictures or videos of your possessions- talk about the item you are videoing; give specific details of the item.
Do each room of the house individually - mention the name of the room (living room, dining room, etc.)
Document the value of the items, if you have original receipts keep those in a safe place. If you have an appraisal done on the item, keep those documents secure.
You will need to keep updated records of new things purchased and items you got rid of.
You can also check with your insurance company as they may have a form you can use to document your items.